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C. I. Nzeukwu
K. C. Irikannu
P. O. Ihejie
P. U. Umeanaeto
A. C. Nzeukwu
n. v. Elosiuba
N. V. Elosiuba
G. L. Onwuachusi
I. E. Obiefule
C. O. Aniefuna


Soil transmitted helminth (STH) infection is a neglected tropical disease of the poorest and most disadvantaged people in various parts of the world. This study was on the prevalence and risk factors for STH infections among pupils in Awka South Local Government Area, Anambra State, Nigeria. A total of 568 pupils, composed of pupils from Nnamdi Azikiwe University Nursery and Primary School, Ifite (NAUNPSI), (n=232); Community School, Nkwelle (CSN), (n=164), and Central Primary School, Amawbia (CPSA), (n=172) volunteered for the study. Stool samples were collected and analysed using Formol-ether concentration and direct smear methods to detect positive samples. Questionnaires were used to elicit information on pupils’ hygiene habits. Chi-square test in SPSS software was used to compare differences among variables at 95% confidence level. Of the 568 samples examined, 56(9.86%) were positive for intestinal helminths, comprisingAscarislumbricoides44(7.75%), hookworm 8(1.41%) and Taenia spp. 4(0.70%). Mixed infection was not recorded. Overall, males had the higher prevalence of 32(11.80%) than females, 24(8.11%) (P>0.05). Age group of1-5yearshad the highest prevalence,4(12.50). There was no significant difference (P>0.05) between pupils from NAUNPSI with highest prevalence, 28(12.07%) and CSN with least prevalence, 12(7.32%). Pupils whose parents were Civil servants, and those dewormed over 7months ago had highest infection rates of 96(12.50%) and 52(10.40%) respectively. Although a low prevalence rate was observed, potential health threats from infections and re-infections demands for improved hygienic habits, environmental sanitation, and strategic deworming of all pupils, as well as health awareness programs in the study area.

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Nzeukwu, C. I., Irikannu, K. C., Ihejie, P. O., Umeanaeto, P. U., Nzeukwu, A. C., Elosiuba, n. v., Elosiuba, N. V., Onwuachusi, G. L., Obiefule, I. E., & Aniefuna, C. O. (2022). PREVALENCE AND RISK FACTORS FOR SOIL TRANSMITTED HELMINTH INFECTIONS AMONG PUPILS IN AWKA SOUTH L.G.A, ANAMBRA STATE, NIGERIA=SHORT COMMUNICATION. The Bioscientist Journal, 10(2), 156-166. Retrieved from


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