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O. S. Nwolisah
V. H. A. Enemor
C. E. Odili
C. A. Ehichanya
M. S. Obih
C. V. Okochi


Acalypha wilkesiana, commonly known as “Copper leaf” and belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family, is a tropical shrub renowned for its ornamental beauty and diverse cultural uses. Its leaves are frequently utilized by locals for various medicinal purposes. This study evaluated the proximate, mineral and vitamin compositions of Acalypha wilkesiana leaf. Proximate analysis was conducted using standard methods, while the mineral concentrations were determined by means of atomic absorption spectrophotometer, and vitamins were quantified using appropriate colorimetric and titration methods. The percentage proximate composition for moisture, ash, fiber, protein, fat, and carbohydrates were 13.75±1.75, 12.75±0.75, 8.00±0.60, 3.65±0.05, 12.90±0.10, and 48.95±0.45, respectively, while the energy value was 326±1.10 kcal/g. The mineral analysis revealed that the leaf is rich in sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, calcium and zinc, with concentrations (mg/g) of 3.96±0.05, 2.89±1.79, 2.73±0.25, 1.94±0.08, 1.40±1.01, 1.31±0.42 and 0.30±0.14, respectively. The fat soluble vitamins ranged from 4.12±0.26 (for vitamin D) ¬¬to 17.28±1.00 mg/kg (for vitamin E), while the water soluble vitamins ranged from 0.05±0.02 mg/100g (for vitamin B2) to 69.61±1.77 mg/kg (for vitamin C). The results show that Acalypha wilkesiana leaf is a good source of nutrients, minerals and vitamins, and could serve as a dietary supplement for addressing nutritional deficiencies.

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How to Cite
Nwolisah, O. S., Enemor, V. H. A., Odili, C. E., Ehichanya, C. A., Obih, M. S., & Okochi, C. V. (2024). EVALUATION OF THE PROXIMATE, MINERAL AND VITAMIN COMPOSITIONS OF ACALYPHA WILKESIANA LEAF. The Bioscientist Journal, 12(1), 87-97. https://doi.org/10.54117/the_bioscientist.v12i1.168


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