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K. C. Irikannu
E. C. Nwalioba
P. U. Umeanaeto
C.I. Nzeukwu
C. O. Aniefuna
G. L. Onwuachusi
N.V. Elosiuba
I. E. Obiefule
C. U. Uzochukwu


Mosquitoes are vectors of human and animal diseases. A survey ofman-biting mosquito species was conducted in Nteje, Oyi Local Government Area, Anambra State, from November, 2021 January, 2022. The aimwas to determine the composition of mosquito species, their biting time and the physiological states of indoor man-biting mosquitoes in the area. Larvalmosquitoes were collected by dipper method,indoor biting mosquitoes were collected usingpyrethriod-based insecticide knockdown (PKD)while outdoor biting adults were collected using human bait collection (HBC) method. The physiological states of mosquitoes were determinedthrough observation of their abdomen. A total of 1,262 mosquitoes were collected from the study. Of this number, 528(41.83%) were larvae, 185(14.65%) were indoor biting adults while 549(43.50%) were outdoor bitters. Six mosquito species; Culex quinquefasciatus 201(38.06%), Aedes cumminsi 6(1.13%), Culex tigripes27(5.11%), Aedes aegypti 180(34.09%), Aedes albopictus 105(19.88%) and Culex nigripalpus 9(1.70%) were collected during larval sampling. There was no significant difference in the numbers of mosquito species collected as larvae (P>0.05). Three mosquito species; C. quinquefasciatus 109(58.9%), Anopheles gambiae 46(24.9%) andAe. aegypti 30(16.2%) were collected indoors. There was no significant difference in the numbers of mosquito species collected indoors (P>0.05). Of the 185(100%) adult mosquitoes collected indoors, 53(28.64%) were unfed, 79(42.70%) were freshly fed, 32(17.29%) were half gravid while 21(11.35%) were gravid. There was also no significant difference in the physiological state of the mosquitoes (P>0.05). Aedes aegypti 292(53.2%) and Aedes albopictus 257(46.8%) were collected outdoors. The abundance of different species of mosquitoes including An. Gambiae complex which is a major vector of the malaria disease in the tropics demands that mosquito control interventions should be intensified in the study area to save the people from mosquitoborne infections.

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How to Cite
Irikannu, K. C., Nwalioba, E. C., Umeanaeto, P. U., Nzeukwu, C., Aniefuna, C. O., Onwuachusi, G. L., Elosiuba, N., Obiefule, I. E., & Uzochukwu, C. U. (2022). COMPOSITION OF MOSQUITO SPECIES AND PHYSIOLOGICAL STATES OF INDOOR MAN-BITING MOSQUITOES AT NTEJE, SOUTH-EASTERN NIGERIA . The Bioscientist Journal, 10(1), 113-122. Retrieved from


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